Telling the week -__-
Hi, punya-lah lama-kan aku tak blogging -__- Maklum-lah mama dengan ayah tarik semua -__- Nasib baik TV dengan Hp tak-kan ? Kalau yee, memang masuk berita-lah aku --_--
Okay, since cuti 2 weeks haritu aku tak update aku rasa -_- Bye.
10.6.2011 - Cuti-kan time tu gak-lah aku pergi Port Dickson. Sumpah tak best Sumpah tak boring -__- First day kat sana, Hotel Tiara Beach Resort tu ada waterpark. Malam dinner kat Nasreen Seafood Restoran ;-) HMM, SIAPA CAKAP MAKANAN KAT SITU TAK SEDAP MEMANG TAK ADA DERIA RASA-LAH TU :-)
11.6.2011 - 2nd day dekat sana Pagi-2 lagi pergi mandi laut balik Hotel pukul 12; 30 am -_- Habis black and white -__- Then, duduk bilik samapi pukul 4.00 pm pergi swimming dekat bawah :* Main banyak gelonsor macam kat Sunway Lagoon pun ada tau X-) Malam dinner with ayah's friend s=dekat apa ntah nama kedai tu sedap tapi tak se-sedap macam Nasreen Seafood punya makanan X-( Malam tidur, esok nak begging dekat ayah nak balik awal sebab nak pergi konsert AF ;-)
12.6.2011 - Rasa macam tak sabar je malam tu :-) Bangun 5 pagi wondering what will happen tonight ? Aww, my hunney ada tau :-P Sampai Rumah awal siooollll :-) Then, mama bagi 2 choices ; I choose number 2 babehh. Have a great night screaming all the times with her -_-
Kbye ;-)
Jelena ? -.-
Okay, honestly. Enough is enough. I am a full Jelena supporter. But this photo actually made me shed a tear. I don’t know why. It isn’t that it’s another girl. It’s not that it’s Selena. It’s not that I wish I was her. It’s just… it’s just a reminder of the fact that I will never be able to kiss him like that. I will never feel his arms around me. I will never feel his body close to mine. I don’t know if it’s that, or the fact that I thought he was so much more respectful. And I mean, this isn’t even disrespectful. But, the above comment really got me going. What if this is all for fame and money? What if Justin Bieber isn’t even real? I’ve always told myself never to think that way, but it’s starting to get to me. If anyone reads my blog, they would know that I’ve never cried over a Jelena post and that I respect and support anyone/anything that makes Justin happy. But this literally tore me apart.
That was taken in a page :) It said what I exacly felt =( And yeah now I know more than one fan is experiencing this phobia. I am so sad these days and I am wondering what made me think he would NEVER change? I know I should NEVER SAY NEVER but that is what Justin said before. He said he would never change.

But, My Friend Say On Facebook.!
Before this I really support Jelena . i tought they will replace Zanessa couple. I tought they were too sweet. I tought selena can be a good girlfriend to Justin. But now i'm realize, it's wrong. this is not because I hate selena. She's my 1st female celebrity crush, but i dont know why, i think he changed justin . A LOT. I mean Justin already changed. He was not friendly with his fans like before. from day to day they are too many stories about their relationship. It doesn't mean i hate it. well, when justin smiles, i smile. but i'm just missing the old justin. i want JUSTIN BIEBER's stories, not JELENA's stories . I just say what i think . Sorryyyy if I disspoint the other beliebers. Honestly, sel made some of beliebers starting to hate justin . Sorry :( I want the old justin.
Macam Nie
aww,im about to cry when i read this note:'( i support,respect jelena.but idk heart ouch! i dont want to jealous or anything,but i just cant help myself.and the second pic make me feel so sad.i hope justin will never forget his loyal fans..